I have found a new inspiration. I bet that every girl has someone she looks up to, have as an idol or is inspired by. Either for strength, beauty, clothes or personality. Anyhow..this is Melody Gardot, she's a singer, blonde, cool style and gorgeous hair! ;D Since I'm becoming a blondie now I have started to look around for other inspirating girls that are blonde. Of course haircolor doesn't really matter but for me it's simply easier to connect to a girl that look similar to myself because then I can start working the transformation more right away and create what I'm straving for, like looking at us both as one person.
This girl that I've found now is a little bit of "Peyton Sawyer" from OTH, Kate Hudson and Kelly Clarkson thrown into one. And these are women I already admire. Now I guess you really wonder what kind of girl I am..needing someone to compare myself to in order to manage life. But that's not at all what it is. I am really secure of who I am and I know what traits I got that I can't rub off and what sides I can actually change, and it's the later things I look around for inspiration to do. I believe in trying to get the best out of me, really working out in what way I make the most out of myself. 'Cause isn't that what we all should be doing? Not hide out in our shell and be stuborn enough to say that this is who I am and I'm not going to change it. Who said that change never hurt anyone, if it's for the better?
Well anyway, as I said I'm now transforming from a dark haired to a blondie (not the whole transformation into "Legally Blonde" ;D) I've taken the third step today and I'm beginning to see the change, it's a work in progress but comming on nicely. I guess most people would never have imagine that I would go back to my original haircolor but I figured that since as my teenage years were black and dark then my first years in my 20's are going to be bright and hopeful! ;D No doubt, that day will come when I decide to become dark again but for now I'm going to try life as a blondie and see where it takes me. And besides it's always nice to have a little light in the dark of the winter..and that light is going to be me!
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