We went and saw the second Twilight movie, New Moon, on the cinema yesterday. And it was so great!! You have to see it. There were lots of drama of course and some actionscenes. An intriging and gripping story and acting.
I am that kind of person who really and truly involve myself in a movie, and especially one that is about vampires and warewolfs ;D I could really feel for the girl playing the lead role, her emotions, frustration and actions. It's like you sit just still all through the film, glued to that wide screen to not miss one little detail or line, and wish to be a part of it all. I mean who wouldn't want to be surrounded by mysticall creatures and constant adventures, not a dull moment to spare on anything that doesn't make the slightest sense or matter in any way to the outcome of such an exciting life.
I'm thrilled to see the next movie and I want to see this one again! I want to own them all! And I'm dying to get my hands on the books so I can read between the lines what we don't get to know throught the screen. Because I feel that we are missing out on a whole bunch of stuff, just consider all the quick changes of scens..there has to be much more there to figure out. Anyone happening to have those books to loan me? Or maybe give them to me? ..no I think I want to find them myself, the search for them and the joy of excitement when I find them and can start to read has to be priceless! ^^
So today when I started my ordinary life again and went to my same old job I couldn't help of feeling a bit low and sorry for myself that my life isn't as exciting and fabolous as Bella's. I've always, since my fasination with vampires started, wanted to be a bloodsucking creature. They are always portraid as very beautiful and sexy, perhaps that is because they are "stuck" in the phase that was when they looked the best in life. Imagine to be forever young and hot! I wouldn't mind that. Plus never getting hurt, every wound you get heals by itself - how perfect is that! Never be ill or feelind bad.
Anyhow I got to clean at the third floor to day as well! ^^ all by my self on the top floor and making the most cleanest and nicest rooms ever! hahaha nah but pretty damn close, I was allert and on top today. Finished every room according to my own little schedule and fine beds and clean bathrooms ;D Am I the best maid or what?!
When I was cleaning rooms today I also got to do a room I have never done before; nr 310 red room. And was as the room title states a red room. It was the most cosy, cute, and nicest little room of the entire hotel! The bedspread on the foot of the bed was red with fluffy big flowers on it, a matching pillow by the sleepingpillows, a red "sänggavel" (english translation somebody?), a red tv, red garbagecan, and of course the curtains matched up with the bedspread with stripes in red black and grey. Just the most adorable room ever! It was however a little small and the bed was only a 1,40 or a 1,60 I couldn't tell and that's a little to small for two persons.. But anyway this is the only room in the building that has an inner balcony! How cool is that!? I'm sorry I couldn't take a picture of it..(I have been forced to change back to my old phone since the crappy one I had has slowly but surely giving up hope of life and dying without pride by going out of batterylife) Maybe some time in the future.